Thursday, August 30, 2012

An Amazing Start to the DUNK Challenge

Today's Pepfest could not have gone better.  It had awesome energy and the student body was fully engaged in our Devil pride.  The performances by the Cheerleaders, Devil Dancers, Choir, and the Pitchforks were all top notch.  Additionally the classes totally rocked it when it came to "Marching" and introducing our new cheer "DO IT".

Officially, the EXCPECT MORE DUNK challenge is on!  After presenting some evidence of student achievement data and growth I went into my personal challenge of trying to dunk by December 5th.  Thanks to the incredible support of the EVHS staff they even purchased me a pair of Strength Shoes.  I know with the help and support of the amazing teachers and students of EVHS I can achieve more and actually make the height necessary to dunk the basketball!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

T-Minus 2 days to PepFest

In two days we will have our Back to School PepFest with the entire student body.  At this event I will be revealing my goal to hopefully inspire and motivate the EVHS student body to "Expect More" out of everything that we can do.  It will be interesting to see, hear, and feel the student reaction to my objective of trying to dunk a basketball.  With my training the last two weeks I have increased my vertical to almost 17".  This puts me within about 10" of what I thought I would need to dunk the basketball.  Getting these first couple of inches I know will be easier than the last ones that I will need. 

The countdown clock is ticking and I have about 14 weeks left to acheive the goal.  Do you think I can do it?

Monday, August 27, 2012

Bill Snyder 16 Goals & EVHS Mission/Vision

So I know that I am a little bit biased because of my alumni status...but I just had to share a link to a site dedicated to the 16 Goals that are the benchmark of the coaching success of Bill Snyder and the K-State football team.  It is a compilation of videos explaining the application of the 16 Goals within the program....

The following is an excerpt from a description of the 16 Goals....
"The 16 goals form the foundation for success, and create the work ethic and discipline that goes with them. With players and coaches from all backgrounds, having a single set of core values unifies them under one vision. If each adheres to the goals as individuals, then team success will follow.
Snyder believes the 16 goals are not only critical to success on the field, but also in everyday life. Once someone has dedicated themselves to doing things the right way, their chance of success in any field is dramatically increased."

I believe that EVHS has a direct parallel with what is going on with K-State football.  Our development of a mission and vision statement last year gives us the capacity to build the same kind of success that happened at KSU.  By having some straight-forward and consistent principles in place we can move our organization forward.

Our Mission:  (What are we here to do?  What is our purpose?)
“Educating Every Student for Success”

Our Vision:  (What are our dreams, aspirations, vision of the future?)
“Expect More”

Core Values: (What does our community represent?)
1.       Ethical Behavior – we shall conduct ourselves by virtues such as honesty, trust, integrity, and mutual respect.
2.      Excellence – we will not back down from the expectation that our achievements can reach the highest of standards.
3.      Relationships – we believe that a school functions only when we are here with the purpose to support each other in our common endeavors.
4.      Experience – we want to offer the chance for everyone to engage, set goals, and move forward in experiences that maximize their potential.
5.      Enthusiasm – school spirit can take many forms and we want to embrace an environment defined by friendly, polite, uplifting, and cheerful interactions.

Commitments: (What will it look like if we are doing our job?)
1.       Serve the Students, Families, and Staff who make up our community.
·         We want to do our best to meet the needs of a diverse population by including everyone from our community in our process and outcomes.
2.      Achieve excellence in the areas of Academics, Athletics, and Activities. 
·         We are focused on a balanced approach that provides opportunities for students to connect and experience success in everything we offer.
3.      Build programs designed to provide Rigor, Relevance, and Results. 
·         What we are doing here is preparing students for life beyond high school and the only way to do that is with high expectations that produce results.
4.      Expect Respectful, Responsible, and Accountable behaviors.
·         We believe that this commitment can be achieved by following three simple rules.  Know Right from Wrong and Do What's Right!  Always Do Your Best!  Treat People with Respect!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

An open letter of thanks to the EVHS Staff

The 2012-13 school year is off to a great start. We have designs and plans in place to continue to push EVHS forward and "Expect More" out of what we offer as a school community. It is easy to make such a lofty declaration when you know you are doing it with such a strong staff.

It would be nearly impossible to cover fully the appreciation I have for the faculty and staff of EVHS.  I know that many teachers put their heart and soul into EVHS and the students that they work with every day.  The results from some of our assessment data last year are measurables of how hard everyone has worked to provide the best educational experience possible.  From in the classroom, on the athletic fields, and at all of the activities we offer there is a dedication to excellence.  We are a community and team that works together.  The list of thanks goes to....
  • custodians who make our building look amazing
  • security who make our building safe
  • secretaries that provide support and help to all our community
  • cooks that prepare meals and great kids with a smile every day
  • nurses who look after our kids when they are hurt or sick
  • maintenance workers the keep things running
  • paraprofessionals and special education teachers who support our students 
  • master and mentor teachers who lead our professional development
  • counselors and mental health team members who offer guidance and support
  • technology support that helps us stay connected
  • the Booster Club and EVHS Foundation that provide support to our school
  • transportation drivers that get our kids to school and events both near and far
  • Assistant Principals that guide and plan every aspect of the school
One of my favorite quotes is from Sir Isaac Newton..."If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."  We are constantly using the understanding and efforts gained by those who have gone before us in order to make progress.  I consider the staff of EVHS to be the giants and we will continue to see further because of their efforts.

Greg Doan
EVHS Principal

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


So the last two days I have started the cycle of the P90X workout system.  After Day 1 (shoulders/back & ab ripper) and Day 2 (plyometrics) all I have to say is "OUCH".  I have always considered it pretty easy to get in distance running shape, which is my preferred method of working out.  Doing these other muscle groups has been tough on my body.  I must admit that I know that I have to make a shift in my thinking.  After talking to one of our PE/Health teachers I was reminded that all the long, slow, distance training is not what I need for this goal.  It is the explosive, plyometric, speed intervals, and weight training that I have typically avoided that will get me to my dunking goal.

Right now I am setting a course to use the P90X workout routine because it has an overall philosophy of muscle confusion.  I am going to continue running, but only use it for warmups/cooldowns and hill running on the weekend.  In addition I am going to try a specific vertical jump training program I found online for 2 days a week.  Finally, I actually need to pick up a basketball and just play some hoops.  Right now staring up at the basketball rim in the gym can be very intimidating.

Monday, August 20, 2012


The life that we live can be filled with many ORDINARY events.  Get up, get ready, go to school/work, come home, watch some TV, go to bed....repeat it all again tomorrow.

What if you took the opportunity to do something EXTRA with the ORDINARY.  Say hello to somebody new.  Try a food you have never tried before.  Play a board game with your family instead of watching TV by yourself.  Surprise someone with a personal contact (card, phone call, or visit).  Challenge yourself to do three more than is required (run three more steps at the end of a workout, do three more math problems than the teacher requested).

The word EXTRAORDINARY can be intimidating; however, doing something EXTRA with the ORDINARY can be accomplished at any moment.

So how will we achieve EXTRAORDINARY results with our students at EVHS?  We aspire to having 80% of our students proficient or advanced on TCAP results.  Perhaps that will come from some of the EXTRA opportunities that will be developed during our Zero Hour.  I also know that we have some EXTRAORDINARY staff members that will go above and beyond with the lessons and experiences that they offer their students.  Perhaps a student will get some EXTRA guidance that provides them better focus and belief that they can achieve more than the ORDINARY.

EVHS has already embodied this with the commitment to the All-School Community Service Day.  It is inspirational to watch 700+ students and staff go out and give their best efforts to improve the community that we live in.  Volunteerism can be such a ORDINARY yet profound act.  Raking leaves, painting lines, walking dogs, washing cars....all in and of themselves are ORDINARY acts.  However, the scope and scale of an entire school participating is something EXTRA.  Collectively when we do something together we can achieve great things.

The vision to "Expect More" out of ourselves is just the beginning.  What I can guarantee is that it will take the collective effort of the students, parents, and staff of EVHS to achieve the results that we desire. 

What will be your new EXTRA to the ORDINARY to help us achieve EXTRAORDINARY results?

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Red Hill Training Run

 Today I ran to the top of Red Hill  Beacon Road.  It has 1500 ft in elevation from my house to the top.  As I was running I was thinking about the comparison of the vertical gain I need to make in my training.  I think I will keep this as a Saturday training ritual.  I know that hill running can be good for your vertical and I really like th solitude and challenge of getting to the top of the hill.  Today I ran it in about 4 minutes faster than my previous time.  As I get in better shape I feel more confident about increasing my lower body training routine to really work on the jumping.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Dunks provide Thrills & Concerns

Check out this article from that came up today.  It describes how dunks in basketball games become an event of adrenaline and emotion.  I am hopeful that my dunking ambitions do the same thing.  ESPN "Dunks Provide Thrills & Concerns"

The concept is fascinating to the general population because most people can't dunk. The elite slam artists take the craft to a different level. They also experience a unique rush. "You feel more manly. You feel empowered. It's just really cool being able to affect the game just by being able to jump high," said Florida forward Patric Young.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Power of Public Accountability

Day 2 - 16 weeks left....vertical still 16"

So last night I was exhausted after all the back to school presentations.  I actually went home and passed out for about 45 minutes.  However, the first thing that I did when I woke up was think about how I had just made a public declaration that I was going to do a feat that would require exreme physical training.  I felt compelled...almost pushed...out of the door to go for a run.  It really helped me clear my head and start formulating a plan for what I need to do next to train for vertical jumping.

I am super pleased with the staff reaction so far to the idea of my quest to dunk a basketball and how it parallels our "Expect More" vision for the school.  Our PE teachers and coaches have offered their help and commented that they are talking to their teams about setting their goals high.  I also like the comments that there may be an office betting pool on whether or not I can do it (....I'm betting on myself doing it by the way.)  Finally, the accusations that I may be sandbagging my actual jumping abilities is an interesting concept as well.

Right now I am researching different potential resources for vertical jumping programs.  Even though I am a cheapskate...there is one online program you can purchase that does a pre-assessment of your skills, designs a workout program specific to your needs, and tracks/adjusts what you need as you progress through the workouts.  Hmmmmmm....for all of us educators you replace the words vertical workouts with grade level content and you have exactly what we are being asked to do for our kids.

Tonight I may run to the Rec Center and play around with some jumping/plyometric exercises and see what happens.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Here are the physics I will need to accomplish the goal of dunking.  Currently my vertical measures in at 9'4".  In order to have the ball clear above the rim I figure I will have to jump to approximately 10'6".  This calculates out to needing an additional 14" make the necessary height.  I think I can do this!!!!

"You can't high jump over a low bar."

This image embodies my belief that "You can't high jump over a low bar".  We set our own expectations and deal with limitations every day in life that could keep us from achieving our goals.  I love this picture because as a para-olympic athlete this athlete could clearly have excuses as to why he could not and should not clear the bar...however, here he is doing something others may think is impossible.  As I embark on my own journey it would be easy to use excuses as to why I cannot achieve my own goals and dreams.  Setting the bar high may give you a sense of setting yourself up for failure.  I believe that setting the bar low is even worse because you limit yourself on what you may be able to achieve.

08/15/12 Today The Journey Begins

Today was the first step by making public my plans to use my lifelong dream of dunking a basketball.  My hope is to inspire others to take on the work necessary to achieve more in everything that you can do.  At our morning faculty meeting our team presented information about the current status of our school (academic, athletic, and activities achievement).  Now the work begins to formulate plans to make sure that all of our students are College and Career Ready by the time they graduate.