Thursday, August 16, 2012

Power of Public Accountability

Day 2 - 16 weeks left....vertical still 16"

So last night I was exhausted after all the back to school presentations.  I actually went home and passed out for about 45 minutes.  However, the first thing that I did when I woke up was think about how I had just made a public declaration that I was going to do a feat that would require exreme physical training.  I felt compelled...almost pushed...out of the door to go for a run.  It really helped me clear my head and start formulating a plan for what I need to do next to train for vertical jumping.

I am super pleased with the staff reaction so far to the idea of my quest to dunk a basketball and how it parallels our "Expect More" vision for the school.  Our PE teachers and coaches have offered their help and commented that they are talking to their teams about setting their goals high.  I also like the comments that there may be an office betting pool on whether or not I can do it (....I'm betting on myself doing it by the way.)  Finally, the accusations that I may be sandbagging my actual jumping abilities is an interesting concept as well.

Right now I am researching different potential resources for vertical jumping programs.  Even though I am a cheapskate...there is one online program you can purchase that does a pre-assessment of your skills, designs a workout program specific to your needs, and tracks/adjusts what you need as you progress through the workouts.  Hmmmmmm....for all of us educators you replace the words vertical workouts with grade level content and you have exactly what we are being asked to do for our kids.

Tonight I may run to the Rec Center and play around with some jumping/plyometric exercises and see what happens.

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