Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I touched the Rim...I BELIEVE

Today was a tremendous day at school.  I had the chance to meet one-on-one with a Senior and interview her about who she is and what EVHS has meant to her.  By the end of our conversation I was buzzing about the work that we do here for kids and our community.  That energy continue when I met with the soccer team and talk to them about their 1st victory of the season and where they are headed as a team.  I also met with the "Pitchforks" and we planned their next major spirit event for the school.  This all fits with a meeting I also had today with the Administrators and Counselors at EVHS about what we can do to further push our agenda for College and Career Readiness. I BELIEVE EVHS is on a precipice and about ready to explode with EXTRAordinary achievement in the classroom, on the athletic fields, and in our community.

Tonight I came back to EVHS at 9:00pm to complete my workout for the day.  Before I got into my plyometric training I wanted to test myself in the gym with my jumping.  After several attempts I was falling short and not jumping very high.  I decided to just go into the workout and see what would happen later.  The plyometric training is 60 minutes of constant jumping, leaping, hoping, and anything else that gets up up and down.  It is by far the most strenuous on my lower body and cardiovascular system.  After completing the workout I stepped out into the gym and looked up at the goal.  It was staring me down...almost taunting me because of my earlier defeat.  I decided that I needed to try again before I would let myself leave.  After another failed attempt I gathered myself....gave a full run up...and touched the rim!  I did it three, four, five more times.  It was a huge validation that I am progressing.  The sacrifices and training that I am doing are having the desired effect that will ultimately lead to greater achievement.

I BELIEVE in myself and that all of this hard work is going to pay off.  In a literal sense I am talking about my working out and the vertical jump training.  In a bigger sense I am talking about EVHS and the students and staff that work here.  I BELIEVE in our kids and that they are capable of great things when given the opportunity.  I BELIEVE in the staff of EVHS and the lengths that they go to in order to provide those opportunities.

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