Sunday, September 9, 2012

Running Sidebar

So this weekend I took a little detour from the intense jump training to participate in the RAGNAR relay.  I was invited to re-team with a group of collegues from Rock Canyon High School for this annual event.  We first did this event 6 years ago and I was not a part of the relay last year as I had left the school.  Because of a late dropout from the team they needed my services again.  I have to say I am very greatful for the invite as it was just as much fun as I remembered it.

The basics of the relay are that you have 10-12 people, 2 vans, and 188 miles of running to cover between Breckenridge and Snowmass.  The vans take 5-6 people and run their legs of the relay, pass it off to the other van of 5-6 people, and drive forward for the next leg.  We did it with 10 runners this year so we averaged 18 miles a piece over 3 different legs of running.  It is a physically demanding event as you run over major mountain passes, cram yourself into a car, sleep on the ground at rest stops, empty your body of its contents several times over, and get up to run all over again.  However, the comraderie and exstasy of completing the task in 24+ hours (including some incredible scenery and unforgettable runs) make it all worth it.

So thanks to Tony, Erica, Tyler, Emy, Karly, Brent, Jenna, Lauren, and Matt for including me in on the fun.  It was great to connect with some old friends, make new ones, and have another relay under the belt.

Tomorrow...back to lower leg lifting for explosive strength!

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